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50 Single girls and you

Epic Boat Party

Question: What is the epic boat party?

In a word. Outrageous.

What is the Epic Boat Party?

It's pretty simple. We get 50 Single Hot Girls and give them a free ticket to a cruise shit with unlimited Booz. How? Because you, the guys, bid on tickets. Would you rather spend $1,000 bucks going on some boring vacation with "the guys", or spend $2,500 to go on an absolutely EPIC 5 day cruise through the carribean with 50 scantily clad women? We promise this is the most EPIC party ever known to man. We're still working out the pricing, but if you are interested sign up below.

Coming Soon

To make this happen we need interest, sign up below.

Signing up is confirming interest, nothing more nothing less. LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN.