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Travel - Don't make excuses
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Enter your Travel Budget

Say you estimate your trip to be $600 - we'll break it into monthly payments that are easy

Enter your friends information

Travelling with friends is the best. Enter their information and we'll automatically remind them daily & add them to your trip.


The money you save is yours once you save the requisite amount go forth and vacay!

David Parrelli

Founder of HealthCoach

"In my studies, taking Vacation's make people live happier, healthier, longer lives. The number one regret of the elderly patients I am in charge of is, "I wish I travelled more." I fully endorse this app.

Christian Salter


"I had never left the US - but this app made it super easy on my budget to leave."

Sandra Hayes

CEO at VR Tech

"If you are the organizer of trips amongst friends, like I am, Vacay is awesome because it commits all of your friends. Just get them to signup once and you're good!"

Samuel Johnston

Manager at Swirly Inc.

"By planning our vacation earlier and saving monthly we got alerts of when the cheapest flighs were! Our entire trip to Machu Pichu was $800!"

Flight Alerts

When you plan a trip we tell you when to book!

Easy Savings

$1000 is alot of money, but $100/mo for 10 months is completely do-able!


Vacay makes trip planning super easy with your friends.


If you are worried someone will backout last minute, worry no longer! You can see your friends balances!

Split Expenses

With Vacay you can split expenses straight through our application

Awesome Deals

With Vacay you can get the most epic deals known to man for travelling!

Start your Vacay!

Sign up to get started with your free account.